The Jenna Devin Blog

Monday, June 9, 2014


I really dislike mean, judgmental people, and I particularly hate it when people say things like what’s quoted in the above picture.  There is no such thing as ugly, in my opinion; it’s all in our minds, and each mind sees beauty and ugliness in a different way.  When a person claims that a girl is ugly and can’t believe that she has a boyfriend, they are being very unfairly judgmental.  Even for this person who thinks that this girl is physically ugly, there is beauty to be found in her soul.  Every person is unique and that makes every person amazingly beautiful.  So a girl doesn’t fit the physical standards of what most men think is attractive (thin, busty, flawless skin, gorgeous hair, etc…)?...So what?  Physical characteristics are not what truly matters.  What is most beautiful is the girl’s personality, her flaws and quirks, her soul.  That is what should be focused on: the internal characteristics of a person.

I’m not one of those who doesn’t practice what she preaches either.  I truly use this viewpoint of focusing on internal characteristics in my own life.  When I first began to converse with my boyfriend Marshall, I had no idea what he looked like.  I’d signed up for a trial membership of eHarmony, so I wasn’t able to look at any pictures of what he looked like, but that didn’t matter to me.  What was so amazingly beautiful and unique about this experience was that I fell in love with Marshall’s personality and soul before I physically met him.  Every day that I spend with him and learn more about him now, the more attractive he becomes for me.  It’s all about the soul.  If you fall for someone’s soul, you’ll begin to fall in love with their outer appearances as well.  You figure out that all of the little quirks and imperfections about that person are what make him or her so perfect in your eyes.  

So, before you judge someone else, remember that true beauty is in the soul, and everyone is beautiful in their own little way. 

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