The Jenna Devin Blog

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Barbecue Chips

This tasty, salty snack brings back lots of comforting and fun childhood memories.  When I was a kid, barbecue chips were my favorite thing to snack on.  After school, while watching a movie with my brother and sister, and during my sleepovers with my childhood best friend Danica: these are the most memorable “barbecue chip” moments for me. 

These chips were perfect for helping me get my homework done after a busy day of school, by providing me with energy and something delicious to munch on to make doing homework more fun.  Barbecue chips were also perfect for cozy movie nights with my older brother and older sister.  We’d either each have our own bowl or we’d share a big bowl (usually we’d each have our own.  I didn’t share  very well, and still don’t… LOL).  Snuggled up in a blanket (most likely my sister Miranda and I sharing The Lion King blanket and my brother—being the warm-blooded creature that he is—wouldn’t need a blanket), we’d munch away at our chips while we watched the movie…and when we’d get to the bottom of the bag we’d dig out spoons and shovel the most delicious part (the highly-seasoned crumbs) into our mouths. 

Another great barbecue chip moment was eating them when my childhood best friend Danica would sleep over at my house.  We’d munch on barbecue chips and grape juice…and go crazy laughing at nothing at all, playing pranks on my family members…all hyped up/ high on the munchies.  The chips were our crack, the grape juice our wine!

Oh, the little random things in life: they are truly what makes the world such a fun and lovely place to live in.   <3

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