The Jenna Devin Blog

Monday, October 7, 2013

Flux and Flow: a stream of consciousness piece

I randomly roam the roads, wandering wherever my heart takes me.  Nothing is as it seems, but everything is beautiful.  Perspective defines things as otherwise, but deep-down everything is perfect—perfectly itself.  Glowing, glittering, gardens of goldfish swirl about in the ponderous pools of my thoughts, bringing sweet, thirsty thoughts to my mind, to my soul.

                The soul: never-ending, “changing but never changed, claiming but never claimed,” one’s soul is always one’s own.  It may be affected on the surface by life’s experiences and other human interaction, but within it is never the same.  And there’s nothing more amazing than that.  What a wondrous world we live in.

                Jellyfish lazily drift about in the ocean surf as I gaze in awe at the beauty of this coral reef.  Color explodes around me, this busy, boisterous world of so many dazzling creatures, all interconnected in the chain of life.  One creature cannot exist without the other, like fire and ice, good and evil.  Dualities are needed; without the opposite of one thing, there can’t be the other.  Good would not exist if there was no evil, no fire without ice.  To know both is to better know the world in its entirety.

                Philosophical conundrums thrashing through my mind, turning my brains to a mush of confusion.  There’s nothing certain in this world, except the fact that everything’s uncertain…but maybe that’s what makes life so fantastic and incredibly unique: the fact that nothing is certain, that anything can happen.  The sun may rise and set each day, the seasons may go by every year in an unchanged progression, but no year, season, month, day, hour, minute, or second is ever the same (even though it may feel like it some days, especially when you feel your life is stuck in a rut or you’re in a winter that seems to never end).  Regardless of your internal stasis, however, the world is always different and changing. 

Even internally you’re never truly in a stasis.  Every day changes you: makes you happier, sadder, better, worse, more depressed, or more joyful.  The psychology of your mind itself is amazing: at any instant your mind or whole outlook on life can change just by a mere thought that runs through your mind, a mere sensation that you feel, an event you see/partake in, or a person you encounter.  Up and down, flux and flow: human life is like the tide.

This may be why we feel so closely connected to nature when we stand on the ocean shore, feeling the tide pulling at our toes, gazing out at the infinite azure of the sea.  When we’re at the sea, we are connecting to our own souls, souls so interconnected and similar to the sea: perpetual, always shifting and changing, and ever-beautiful.       


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