The Jenna Devin Blog

Monday, October 21, 2013

Comfort and Love: a stream of consciousness piece

     A warm bed on a bitter cold winter's night, sitting by the fire's glow, cozied up in a warm and fuzzy blanket with a mug of hot chocolate, cuddling close with a hug from someone you love: there's just something about comfort.  It's one of the happiest feelings, a feeling of safety and belonging...a feeling of love and warmth.  If only the world could focus on comforting and loving one another instead of the terrible need for greed and violence.  Because deep down we all have the same basic desires in life: to love and be loved, to be accepted and to feel that we belong, and to be comforted and to comfort others. 

        Born from love, we were born to love, not to hate.  Hatred is not true human nature.  It is something that is learned, something that we need to stop teaching.  Jimi Hendrix states it perfectly:"When the need for love overcomes the need for power, there may finally be peace."

        Everything is love.  Even things like war and other violent, greedy acts originate from a love.  In the case of war, it could be a love of one's own country, and for other violent acts it may be a love of getting one's way (selfish as this is, it is still a sort of love...a love of oneself).  These kinds of love can be good in some contexts and bad in others, just as everything in the world can be.  It depends on intention.  But inevitably all originate from one source of ultimate love: Our Creator.

          I think that love is the meaning of life.  Our life begins and ends with love...the very first humans were created with love by Our Creator, and then they reciprocated this love by loving each other and producing a child from this love and providing love to this child as well.  Likewise, our own mother and father loved each other, and we were products of their love, too.  Throughout our lives then we should honor this gift of love by continuing to pass it on to everyone we meet.  Love is the greatest gift of all: a gift that keeps giving and never runs out....and the true meaning of our lives.

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