The Jenna Devin Blog

Sunday, March 2, 2014


What possesses people to throw their shoe(s) up into a power line?  I was thinking about this after I had seen a shoe dangling above me on my drive home from school a couple weeks ago.  It’s not just a localized thing either because I’ve seen this all over Wisconsin. 

The placement of these shoes is just so random, yet also artistically forlorn.  I mean, it had to have taken quite a bit of effort to throw that shoe up there and somehow get it to stay up there.  And the sacrifice!  Speaking as a girl, tossing my shoe up there…that’s awful because shoes are precious commodities!  And why is it often one shoe that’s thrown up there, not the whole pair?  Is it all part of the “artistically forlorn” image the thrower is trying to capture?  ‘Cause I mean otherwise you might as well throw the other shoe up there too because one shoe out of a pair is pretty useless, unless you only have one leg…

Oh, what a bizarre and confusing world we live in!  You just never know what you’re going to come across next.  Each and every day brings completely new experiences because every day and every person is unique.  Even each individual has the potential to be a completely different person and act in completely different ways each and every day.  This bizarre, every-changing, unpredictable quality of life is what makes the world such a wonderful place to live in.

So, the next time you see a lonesome shoe hanging from a power line, take a moment to reflect on and appreciate the oddness of the world we live in.  Because oddness makes the world go round! 

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